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Honey and Weight Loss
Many dieters avoid honey because of its high sugar content, but researchers at San Diego State University show that it affects the body differently than table sugar. Their study, published in the January 2011 issue of "Nutrition Research," shows that, compared to table sugar, honey reduced weight gain, fat and triglyceride levels. The April 20, 2008 issue of "Scientific World Journal" also reports that when honey was tested on obese patients, it reduced body weight, body fat, cholesterol, triglycerides and inflammation. Researchers conclude that honey not only helps with weight loss, but prevents weight gain and lowers the risk for cardiovascular disease. When selecting honey, choose natural sources over processed honey. The spring 2004 issue of the "Journal of Medicinal Food" reports that processed honey has the potential to raise blood sugar levels, while natural honey, after 15 days of consumption, was able to lower these levels. Though honey is a better choice than table sugar, it still has the potential to raise blood sugar levels in some individuals. Use with caution if you are being treated for diabetes. Cinnamon and Weight Loss The common cinnamon you have in your cupboard is good for more than adding spice to an apple pie. According to a review of the properties of cinnamon by the United States Department of Agriculture, it reduces inflammation in the body, improves insulin's ability to metabolize blood sugar, inhibits the growth of cancer cells and reduces blood pressure. Published in the May 2010 issue of the "Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology," researchers also report that cinnamon decreases body fat and improves levels of lean body mass. The USDA reports that cinnamon's active components are found in the water-soluble fraction of cinnamon, and not in cinnamon oil, which means that adding common cinnamon to tea, oatmeal or salads will help you reap cinnamon's benefits.Putting Them All Together Enjoy a relaxing cup of tea made with lemon, honey and cinnamon, as all three components can help with weight loss. You can add all three to a cup of green tea or make your own tea by adding 1 tbsp. of lemon, 1 tbsp. of honey and 1 tsp. of cinnamon to hot water. Stir well, and allow the cinnamon particles to sink to the bottom if you wish. The USDA notes that you can also use cinnamon sticks for clearer tea. Simply put the sticks into hot water and let them steep for five minutes. Cinnamon's active compounds will be absorbed into the water, and heat does not destroy them. Enjoy a cup of lemon-honey-cinnamon tea twice a day to help you reach your weight loss goals. Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/440614-weight-loss-from-lemon-honey-cinnamon/#ixzz22a8H7UCy |